• UK Passport Photos

  • Product Code: UKRK3MD145

  • Manufacturer: PhotoMountsUK

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File size must be no more then 16M per image.
JPG, GIF & PNG accepted.

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Product Information

4x UK Passport Photos from your uploaded image. Each image 4 passport photographs will be printed.

Also suitable for visas, driving license and ID cards. Your photos are professionally printed to the correct specification on photographic paper. Please follow the instructions below to ensure your image is suitable for UK passports. We cannot be held responsible if you submit an image that gets rejected due to how it was captured.

Please Note: If ordering this product with other items it will delay the dispatch of the rest of your order by approximately 48 hours.

What you need to do

Your Uploaded Photo Should Look Like This

Official Guidelines

Passport Upload

Ensure you hold your camera vertically, your image is taken at this distance from subject and that the head is in the middle of the frame

  • Take your photo against a plain cream or light grey background using at least a 3 Megapixel camera within a month of applying for your passport.
  • Ensure that the subject is in focus and there are no other objects or people in the image.
  • Ensure there are no shadows, creases or marks on the background.
  • Ensure subject is facing forward and looking straight at the camera
  • Ensure subject has neutral expression and the mouth is closed
  • Ensure there is nothing covering the face
  • Ensure subject is in clear contrast to the background. (i.e. don't use a smiliar colour backgound to the hair colour)
  • Ensure subject does not have a head covering (unless it’s worn for religious or medical reasons)
  • Ensure subject's eyes are open, visible and free from red eye, reflection or glare from glasses
  • Ensure subject's eyes are not covered by sunglasses, tinted glasses, glasses frames or hair (we'd recommend removing glasses before taking the photo)

Additional information for children's passport photos

  • Children must be on their own in the picture. Babies must not be holding toys or using dummies.
  • If the child is under 5, they don’t have to be looking directly at the camera or have a neutral expression.
  • If the child is under 1, their eyes don’t have to be open. If their head is supported by a hand, the hand mustn’t be visible in the photo.

Warning: Your photo may be rejected if you don't follow ALL the requirements above. For extra guidance please see the below passport photos: dos and don’ts

passport photographs dos and donts

What we'll do

  • Resize your uploaded image to 45 millimetres high by 35 millimetres wide.
  • Optimize your image for colour and density.
  • Zoom in to ensure head size is correct within the frame. (Note: If we are prevented from doing this because the head is already too big then we will just print as is and it will most likely be rejected by the passport office)
  • Print 4 identical colour photographs on professional photographic paper.

UK Passport Correctly ResizedPassport Photos Outline


  • If ordering this product with other items it will delay the dispatch of the rest of your order by approximately 48 hours.

  • We will print your passport photos whether you have followed the above guidelines correctly or not. We accept no responsibility should your passport photos be rejected because the image you submitted was unsuitable.



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